
Top Using Programming Languages and Frameworks by Devlers

May 19, 2022
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List of software languages and frameworks that Devlers use are not strict and can be expanded any time. Still, Ruby and Rails framework, JavaScript and its React, Angular, Node and Swift for  iOS development are not only trendy and popular technologies but have a lot of pros to use in projects thanks to their flexibility and maintenance later. So what are the other main benefits of using such technologies and frameworks? Or it should be better to include another ones in our tech stack?

Top programming languages in 2022

Before we start, let’s look at some stats. According to Statista research we can see that such languages as JavaScript, Ruby, Swift didn't lose their positions. For entrepreneurs and business owners it would be good to know that some languages are great for some specific needs. For example, JavaScript, TypeScript, React and Angular are great for creating a front-end part: interfaces and their interactions between. Ruby and its framework Ruby on Rails are the best for backend development, building difficult systems. 

Most used programming languages among developers worldwide, as of 2021


Whenever you are a developer who are considering to switch your career way or become a full-stack one or you are a founder who are on the way to hire professionals to bring your idea to life it should be useful to look over some brief information about popular languages technologies: 

Ruby on Rails 

Let’s begin with Ruby itself - it’s an interpreted and fully object-oriented language with human-friendly syntax. Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a framework implemented in Ruby. Ruby and framework are always on the rise among developers and on the 6th top-paying languages.

Thanks to efficiency and scalability Ruby on Rails allows writing rich functionality with much less code lines compared to Java, for example. Ruby on Rails is a great choice when it comes to building a web application (both front and back sides) or MVP and CMS development and it’s perfect match for tech needs in such areas as eCommerce, Healthcare, Retail and FinTech. 

Sure, you heard about companies Twitch, Shopify, Tumblr, Starbucks - their apps built using Ruby on Rails. 



  • Safe & Secure
  • Cost-Effective
  • Easy to Maintain
  • Improves Productivity
  • Automated Tested
  • Full Stack Framework

What Can Be Built? 

  • FinTech Startup
  • Ecommerce App
  • Healthcare Application
  • Communication-Oriented App


React is an amazing JavaScript library which makes the whole development process much easier and allows to build efficient online applications. Most of the big and middle companies such as Netflix, Uber, Airbnb are leveraging ReactJS development services to design their web interfaces. Meta, formerly Facebook, initially created and maintained ReactJS. 

ReactJS is one of the top popular frameworks to learn and work with due to the fact that it can be easily used to create aesthetically pleasing and interactive user experiences and increases developer productivity. 



  • SEO friendly
  • Better performance
  • Component reusability 
  • Extremely fast 
  • Proficient data building 

What Can Be Built? 

  • Data Dashboards
  • Messaging App
  • Social Networks
  • eCommerce
  • Enterprise Web Apps

React Native

React Native is a JavaScript framework and commonly it is associated with ReactJS. However, there are two significant differences between React Native and ReactJS. The last one is a library and React Native is a framework. The second one, React Native is mostly used for mobile development, both Android and iOS. 

Instagram, Skype and Uber Eats applications are built with React Native and this list is not ending. Now many companies adopt React Native in their apps so learning this framework could not only just make your salary bigger but be in a strong position on the service market. 


  • Nativeness 
  • High performance 
  • Cost-efficiency 
  • Faster development 


Angular is an open source framework based on JavaScript which was created by Google. 

It is a powerful resource that will aid you in creating flexible user interfaces to access the full power of your cloud-based product, single page websites or mobile applications. Moreover, AngularJS is supported by multiple systems.  

Such companies as Samsung, PayPal, Delta Airlines use AngularJS to build their applications. 



  • Two-way data binding 
  • Dependency injection 
  • Not browser specific 
  • Full front-end package 
  • Additional Modules 

What Can Be Built? 

  • Single Page Applications (SPA)
  • Enterprise Web Apps
  • Progressive Web Applications (PWA)
  • Server-side rendered apps (SSR) 


NodeJS is a server-side JavaScript environment that is used to develop a wide range of web applications. NodeJS makes it easy to build fast and scalable products, which is ideal for growing companies. This platform has recently gained popularity among both developers and companies. Developers like to work with NodeJS because it makes use of an efficient and straightforward input-output model that is ideal for real-time and data-based applications. 

For companies using NodeJS is perfect when it comes to building dynamic websites and apps. NodeJS used for creating Trello, Walmart's app, Twitter, LinkedIn and eBay. 



  • Scalability 
  • Cross-platform compatibility 
  • Facilitates quick deployment
  • Additional functionality of NPM

What Can Be Built? 

  • Ridesharing Apps
  • Internet of Things
  • Streaming services
  • Remote collaboration tools
  • Online payment services 


Swift is a programming language released by Apple. It allows you to build apps for Mac, iPhone, Apple Watch and the iPad so most apps on the Apple App Store today were written on Swift. Furthermore, Apple made Swift available to Windows and Linux so its become cross-platform language. If you are a developer you should know that Swift is one of the most in-demand and popular languages companies seek.  Moreover, it’s the only dynamic language with an integrated development environment which is specifically designed for iOS development. 

Except Apple, Swift is used by Coursera, Eventbrite, Khan Academy and Kickstarter. So companies choose Swift because this language is fast, robust and expressive. 

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  • Generics simple to use
  • Rapid development
  • Scalable 
  • Fast and concise iteration over a range or collection
  • Full-stack potential 

What Can Be Built? 

  • Messaging App
  • Social Networks 
  • Extensions
  • Streaming Services 

Wrapping things up, it’s no no longer a question why software engineers at Devler.io are using exactly the languages and frameworks mentioned above. All of them have their own features which allow to build fast, trendy and easy maintenance apps. 

Whenever you are a beginner in your journey to become a developer or you are a qualified one you know you are on the right path and what will always be in high positions in the service market. 

If you are a company, sometimes it’s hard to understand the right tech stack to develop your product. We are here to help! Devler.io is a platform where you can find vetted software developers from Europe and who are masters in what they do. You can be sure you have a deal with a professional developer if you work with Devler.io. 

Hire developers with Devler.io - it’s easy: fill out a contact form

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