
Innovate or Stagnate: Why AI and AR Are Essential for Modern Marketing

Apr 08, 2024
Innovate or Stagnate: Why AI and AR Are Essential for Modern Marketing

Is your marketing stuck in the past? 

In 2024, marketers are no longer driven by the desire to get occasional money from an occasional customer once a year. No-no. This isn’t the grandfather’s marketing of billboards, generic one-size-fits-all ads, and one-time transactions anymore. 

Instead, businesses are interested in building lasting relationships with customers. The combination of AI's processing power and AR's ability to overlay information is propelling this shift.

Read further to learn more about the benefits of AR and AI in marketing and discover the best tips for your marketing strategy. Buckle up because the future of marketing is here!

Benefits of using AR/AI

Let’s start from the basics. 

AI is all about programming computers to mimic human behavior and intelligence. Smart AI algorithms can learn from data, operate with large volumes of information, detect specific patterns, and make predictions in ways similar to human thought processes, albeit often more efficient and scalable.

At the same time, AR technology is an interactive experience in which we see a combination of digital and physical worlds. This happens by superimposing computer-generated images or animations onto a real-world environment. In practice, this means that you use your phone's camera, and a 3D model appears as if it was close. 

The difference lies in the fact that AI is about making machines more innovative, while AR is about making us see the world in a smarter way.  In fact, AI is sometimes used to make AR even better, like by recognizing objects in the real world that AR can then interact with. 

While working together, this powerful combo can help you boost the business to new heights. According to Statista report, almost half of all businesses want to integrate AR and AI by the end of 2024. And those who have already implemented these powerful technologies saw an increase of up to 50% in click-through rates compared to standard digital advertising approaches.

But what are the specific benefits? 

— Enhanced customer experience

Imagine walking into a store where everything you see speaks to your style and preferences. You are engaged, you are excited, and, most likely, you are ready to buy. This is the essence of hyper-personalization. 

For example, marketers create personalized ads using machine learning. Depending on your viewing habits, Netflix uses different thumbnail images for the same show, which can dramatically increase your chances of clicking. Simultaneously, Spotify's personalized playlists keep users engaged for longer and reduce churn.

— Brand differentiation

In today’s world, standing out from the crowd is hard and challenging. It’s not enough to say, “My company is the best!” and wow your clients. You should make them believe this. With the help of AI and AR, businesses can showcase their products and services like never before and leave lasting impressions.  

Studies show the average human attention span is 8 seconds, shorter than that of a goldfish! This means brands have a tiny window to capture a customer's interest. 

— Increased efficiency and cost savings

AI can automate repetitive marketing tasks like scheduling social media posts, sending personalized emails, or generating basic reports. This frees up marketing teams to focus on more strategic initiatives. Additionally, AR applications can replace the need for physical prototypes or samples, allowing for faster product development and reduced costs.

For example. using AI and AR could help reduce product development costs by 50%. Boeing uses AR technology to guide assembly line workers during the complex process of building airplanes. According to Boeing, AR has helped them save millions of dollars in production costs. 

5 marketing examples for any brand (you should love) 

1. Try before buy

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Consider choosing shoes. The traditional scenario presumes that you should go out and shuffle between stores. You’ll spend hours and hours trying to find the right fit! We personally hate this thing. The dreaded shopping experience. 

At the same time, AI-powered computer vision algorithms analyze the body shape or proportions and create a digital canvas so that the user can accurately map out a pair he likes. It’s like having a personal stylist in the pocket. 

Furthermore, you can customize the product by personalizing details like colors — all from the comfort of your own home. AR lets you experiment and find the perfect pair before ever stepping foot in a store.  

AI-powered computer vision algorithms analyze the body


2. Bring Package Characters to Life

Here's how it works: you scan a designated area on the packaging using your smartphone camera. This triggers an AR overlay, bringing the characters on the package to life in a captivating way. They laugh, they tell stories, and even play games!

scan a designated area on the packaging using your smartphone camera

Studies suggest that AR packaging can increase purchase intent by 10-20% by creating a more memorable and interactive shopping experience. 

3. Arrange furniture in your room 

AR and AI can transform your buying experience in the furniture industry. IKEA is a perfect example of what these technologies look like. With the help of the IKEA Place application, the user can place certain items in the interior of their room. They can examine it from all sides, twist it, look under different nodes, and pick color and decor. 

AR and AI can transform your buying experience in the furniture industry

Of course, IKEA is not the only one using AR and AI. We can also mention Wayfair, Houzz, Crate & Barrel, and much more. Again, like with cloth items, people can change furniture attributes like color, material, or fabric. 

It is interesting that, according to stats, 40% of customers are ready to pay more if a retailer offers to show them the furniture using AI and AR. Furthermore, a Shopify survey says that the powerful combination of AR and AI helps to boost conversion rates by 94%.

4. Launch an interactive AR social media campaign

An interactive AR social media campaign is a marketing strategy that leverages AR to create an engaging user experience directly on social media platforms. 

Here are some inspiring examples to get your creative juices flowing:

Launch an interactive AR social media campaign
  • Sephora Virtual Artist: This Instagram filter lets users virtually try on makeup before purchasing, increasing product confidence and sales. 

This app allows you to try different lip colors and thousands of eyeshadow shades. 

Interestingly, L’Oreal Paris launched its analog even earlier. However, while it offered a basic way to try on colors, it lacked the interactivity and immersive experience of AR. 

  • The North Face "Explore With Us" This Snapchat campaign lets users virtually climb mountains, showcasing the brand's adventurous spirit and generating excitement for their products.

The app allowed users to imagine themselves climbing mountains, putting people in a situation where The North Face's outdoor gear would be ideal and reinforcing the brand's association with high-quality adventure. 

5. Create an interactive AR game

Interactive AR games can reach a large audience and generate significant buzz, especially if they are fun and shareable. 

For example, Snickers' "Hungry Games" challenged users to avoid falling objects like healthy snacks while collecting Snickers bars. This method helped the company reach a wider audience, particularly youngsters actively using Instagram. 

The fast-paced gameplay and the humorous contrast between healthy and unhealthy options resonated with viewers, leading to high engagement and brand recall.

5 best-working tips for marketing 

The world of AI and AR is captivating and brimming with potential. However, to do things properly, it is good to know some tricks or a kind of roadmap to navigate through complexities. 

Dive into the best hand-picked tips from our best experts. 

1. Define the goal of your map 

Every successful journey starts from a clear destination. What problem are you aiming to solve with your app? What value does it bring? How do you want to differentiate from your competitors? 

Consider the answers to ensure your app delivers a targeted and impactful experience. 

2. Keep things simple with an AR/AI experience

Imagine a user opening your brand-new app for the first time. The interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate. Otherwise, the user leaves (perhaps once and forever).

Remember, creativity is always good, but hidden buttons, complex menus, and confusing layouts will only make things worse. 

3. Use quality content

High-quality content goes a long way in making your app visually captivating and memorable. Use engaging and interactive elements and prioritize clean and intuitive design principles to ensure seamless navigation and usability. 

Conduct thorough testing across various devices and screen sizes to identify and address potential issues before launch.  

4. Optimize for seamless AR/AI experiences

Ensure minimal delay between user actions and the AR/AI response. This requires efficient algorithms and hardware optimization to maintain a real-time feel. Consider techniques like edge computing to process data closer to the user's device.

AR/AI apps can be resource-intensive. Optimize code to minimize battery drain and overheating. Employ techniques like level-of-detail (LOD) for AR elements, where detail increases as the user interacts.

5. Promote your AR/AI app

Use popular social media like Facebook or Instagram to share your product. It would also be interesting to post behind-the-scenes glimpses, user testimonials, and updates about your app's development to build excitement and curiosity.

Another method is collaborating with influencers. The trick is finding those with a strong presence in your app’s niche. Generate buzz!

Summing up…

This article has just scratched the surface of the incredible potential of AR/AI for businesses. However, armed with this knowledge, you are aware of the right direction and can create lasting impressions for your clients. 

AR and AI are the future of marketing. But don't just read about their potential — experience them for yourself. Use Devler.io to find skilled developers for AR/AI apps and bring your vision to life. 

The future of marketing is already here. Don't get left behind! It’s time for your business followed suit. 

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