
Enhancing User Experience with Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

Jul 10, 2023

In today's technological landscape, when mobile devices have become extensions of ourselves, providing outstanding app experiences to consumers is more important than ever. With the rapid growth of technology, we are seeing a convergence of online and native app capabilities, which has resulted in the emergence of a game-changing solution: Progressive Web Applications (PWAs).

These cutting-edge applications are changing the way we engage with the digital world, enabling companies to provide seamless, engaging, and immersive experiences across various platforms. 

In this piece, we will delve into the realm of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), studying their capabilities, benefits, and how they are transforming user experience as we know it. Whether you're a developer, a business owner, or simply interested in the future of app development, be ready to embark on a trip where the lines between online and native apps blur and user delight soars. Prepare to uncover Progressive Web Applications' potential 💪

Understanding PWAs: Bridging the Gap Between Web and Native Apps 

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are a game-changing method to app development that combines the greatest elements of regular webpages and native mobile apps. They are intended to provide users with an immersive, app-like experience across several devices and platforms. 

PWAs use modern web technologies like service workers and caching to enable offline functionality, faster loading times, and smooth navigation. PWAs, unlike native apps, do not require app store installation, making them easily discoverable and accessible through web browsers. PWAs provide companies with a cost-effective alternative to engage people and create superior user experiences due to its responsive design, push notifications, and flexibility to work across different screen sizes. 


When Can a Web App Can Be Called Progressive?  

A web app is appropriately referred to as "progressive" when it meets a specified set of requirements, displaying increased capabilities and improving the user experience. The following are the Top 6 Key Characteristics of a PWA:

  1. Responsive Design: The app seamlessly adapts to different screen sizes and devices.
  2. Fast Loading: It loads quickly, leveraging techniques like caching and optimized asset delivery.
  3. Offline Functionality: Users can access and interact with the app even without an internet connection.
  4. App-like Experience: The app provides features such as push notifications, home screen installation, and smooth navigation.
  5. Discoverability: It can be easily found and accessed through search engines.
  6. Secure: The app is served via HTTPS to ensure data privacy and security.

By achieving these characteristics, a web app can really be considered "progressive," providing consumers with a new and engaging experience.


PWA Statistics: Key Facts 

The absolute advantage of PWA can be easily quantified. PWAs increase conversion by 52% on average, while overall usage session increases by 78%. In terms of typical user attitudes, PWAs increased engagement by more than 100% in 2023, with a 42% reduced bounce rate as compared to mobile webpages. Let’s see other notable stats: 

  • A PWA-enabled website can, on average, perform 63% faster than its previous mobile site. 
  • PWA speeds up page load times by two to four times.
  • Currently valued at $1.13 billion, the global market for PWAs is anticipated to grow to $10.44 billion by 2027, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 31.9%, according to a recent study by Emergen Research. 
  • PWA conversion rates are 36% greater than those of native apps. 
  • Companies that transition to PWA reportedly see an increase of at least 20% by as much as 250% of user engagement. 


PWAs VS Native Apps

When it comes to app development, companies are frequently forced to choose between Progressive Web Applications and Native Apps. Native apps are created expressly for a platform, making full use of the operating system and device features. PWAs, on the other hand, are web-based apps that run across multiple platforms and devices and are accessible via web browsers. 

PWAs outperform native applications in terms of cross-platform compatibility, discoverability, and ease of maintenance, whereas native apps offer seamless integration, performance optimization, and access to device-specific capabilities. PWAs do not require separate development and distribution channels, making them more cost-effective and accessible to a wider audience. Finally, the choice between PWAs and Native Apps is determined by the business's specific requirements, target audience, and development goals.

Let’s briefly notice what are the main differences between PWAs vs Native Apps: 



Which Programming Languages Are Using PWAs? 

A combination of programming languages generally used to build PWAs are feature-rich and resilient applications. The three primary web-building languages - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - are employed in PWA development. 

React, Angular, and Vue.js are three popular JavaScript frameworks and modules that are used to improve user interface design and interactivity. For server-side logic and data administration, server-side languages like Node.js or PHP may also be used. These languages' flexibility enables developers to make potent PWAs that deliver seamless user experiences across a range of devices and platforms.

The Business Benefits of Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) have changed the game for companies, providing a number of advantages that boost performance, encourage growth, and improve user experiences. The following are the main benefits of using PWAs for businesses:

- Cross-platform Compatibility

PWAs do not require separate platform-specific programming because they function fluidly across all platforms and devices. This helps firms reach a wider audience while also saving time and resources.

- Enhanced User Experience

With seamless navigation, push notifications, and offline capability, PWAs offer an experience similar to that of an app. A consistent and interesting user experience can boost user happiness and retention.

- Improved Performance 

PWAs make use of cutting-edge technology like service workers and caching to enable quick loading times even in poor network conditions. By ensuring speedy access to content, this lowers bounce rates and increases conversion rates.

- Increased Discoverability

Users of search engines can find PWAs, which increases their visibility and generates organic traffic. Businesses can connect with customers who are actively looking for products or services thanks to this.

- Cost-effectiveness

PWAs don't require separate development and maintenance for many platforms like native apps do. Due to the huge reduction in development costs and ongoing maintenance requirements, PWAs are a sensible business solution.

- Offline Functionality

PWAs enable users to conduct tasks and access content even when there is no internet connection. This guarantees continuous access to essential functionality for consumers on the go or for enterprises in sectors with poor connectivity.

- Faster Updates

Without requiring customers to download updates from an app store, businesses can rapidly update content and deliver changes to them with PWAs. Businesses can deliver real-time information and quickly respond to customer needs thanks to their agility.

- Increased Conversion Rates

Higher conversion rates are the outcome of the convergence of quick loading times, smooth user experiences, and improved user engagement. PWAs reduce user journey friction, making it simpler for users to make purchases or carry out desired tasks.

- Analytics and Tracking

PWAs give companies the ability to monitor user behaviour, collect analytics data, and gain understanding of user interactions and preferences. Making data-driven decisions, optimising marketing plans, and enhancing overall business performance are all possible with this data.

- App-like Features without App Store Dependencies

Without requiring consumers to download from an app store, PWAs provide app-like capabilities including push notifications, home screen installation, and offline capability. As a result, adoption hurdles are removed and the user experience is streamlined.

Businesses can take advantage of a variety of advantages offered by PWAs, such as cross-platform compatibility, improved user experiences, improved performance, and cost effectiveness. Businesses can stay ahead of the competition, spur growth, and provide remarkable digital experiences to their customers by utilizing the power of PWAs.

PWA Suitability for Different Business Types

PWAs have certain characteristics that make them appropriate for a variety of businesses. When assessing a company's suitability for PWAs, it's crucial to take into account its unique requirements and peculiarities. Let's examine this more closely. 

Industries that match with PWA:

  • Retail and E-commerce: With quick product catalogue loads, push notifications for sales, and offline browsing options, PWAs offer a seamless shopping experience.
  • Media and Publishing: PWAs allow users to receive push notifications for breaking news or new content releases, browse news articles offline, and provide content quickly.
  • Travel and Hospitality: PWAs enable simple itinerary management and booking, offline access to travel data, and push notifications for updates on flights or promotional deals.
  • Food Delivery and Restaurants: PWAs give users the ability to place online food orders, see menus and reviews, get push notifications when their orders are updated, and make checkout simple.
  • Financial Services: PWAs provide rapid account management, push notifications for transaction alerts, and secure access to banking services.

On the other side, other industries might not find PWAs to be as ideal for their particular requirements. 


Industries that don't match with PWA:

  • High-Performance Gaming: The development of native apps is more suited to the needs of the gaming industry, which frequently demands complicated interactions and excellent graphics.
  • Resource-Intensive Applications: PWAs may have limits in sectors that depend on resource-intensive applications, such video editing or 3D modeling.

Although it may be difficult for these businesses to fully utilize PWAs, it's vital to remember that technological developments and the PWAs' changing nature may lead to new opportunities in the future. In the end, the choice to implement PWAs should be based on a rigorous assessment of the unique requirements and business objectives. 

Checklist: When PWA Is Must-Have For Your Business 

Your company wants to reach users across different platforms, such as desktop, mobile, and tablets, a PWA can make sure that everyone has an optimized and consistent experience.

A PWA's ability to function offline can be a game-changer if your business entails offering services or information that users need access to even in offline or low-connectivity conditions. 

PWAs' effective caching techniques and optimized loading speeds can dramatically improve the user experience and lower bounce rates if your business depends on delivering content, goods, or services promptly.

The push notification feature of PWAs can assist boost user engagement and boost conversions if your company wants to keep consumers interested and engaged by providing regular updates, promotions, or notifications.

PWAs might be a more affordable alternative to creating distinct native apps for several platforms if your company has a tight budget or limited resources because they work with any current web browser.

If the success of your company depends on generating organic traffic from search engines, the ability of PWAs to be seen in search results can help you get more online visibility and connect with more customers.

PWAs' app-like characteristics, such as home screen installation and simple navigation, can increase user engagement and retention rates if your company wants to offer an immersive and engaging user experience.

PWAs offer a more efficient update process if your company needs the freedom to swiftly roll out upgrades, new features, or content changes without depending on app store approvals or user downloads.

PWAs can offer a frictionless purchasing experience if your company deals in e-commerce or mobile transactions, with features like quick loading, easy checkout, and push notifications for order changes.

By taking into account the items on this checklist, you may decide whether or not your company would gain from implementing a PWA and take use of its special advantages to promote growth, improve user experiences, and maintain an edge over the competition.

Driving Results: Success Stories from Businesses Embracing PWAs

Success cases below demonstrate how PWAs have a transformative effect on businesses of all sizes and in a variety of sectors. PWA deployment has produced amazing results, revolutionizing user experiences and bringing real economic benefits to everyone from e-commerce behemoths to creative entrepreneurs. 

Let's explore some motivating success stories of companies who used PWAs to their full potential to achieve new heights of development, engagement, and client pleasure.



Alibaba currently offers services to more than 200 nations and territories. Alibaba's approach involved creating a strong online presence, and they made the decision to offer a wonderful online user experience. 


They therefore made the decision to create a PWA in order to boost user engagement even if a user didn't download the native app. Alibaba boosted its overall conversion across browsers by 76% as a result.

The Washington Post

A well-known daily American newspaper, The Washington Post, debuted its progressive web app in 2016. The major objective was the same as it was for other products: to increase its mobile audience and make sure that users had a flawless reading experience. 


This PWA optimizes viewing performance even in offline mode by preloading and caching material in the background using browser service workers. Real-time updates, a clean, user-friendly design, and speedy loading times are all features of The Washington Post PWA.

Because of The Washington Post PWA, the platform saw an increase in usage of 186 million visits. These accomplishments are very high in comparison to how simple it is to create a PWA, together with a bounce rate of approximately 60%.

Rakuten 24

A small division of Rakuten, a major Japanese eCommerce retailer, is Rakuten 24. They came to PWA in search of an efficient mobile shopping solution. Given that the web app was easy to deploy and significantly less expensive than a native software, the choice is hardly surprising. 


This has greatly aided the company's growth, as seen by a 450% increase in retention rate and a 310% increase in visit frequency per user. 

Butcher of Blue 

The Netherlands-based contemporary apparel company Butcher of Blue supports the environmental movement. The company wanted to go above and beyond what its clients expected from them. And the solution is PWA. They were able to substantially speed up their website by 85% thanks to Progressive Web App.  


Additionally, their mobile site offers several native app-like capabilities including a barcode scanner and bottom navigational tabs. PWA makes it possible for these functionalities to function without compromising the site's mobile speed.  

A couple more benefits from switching to PWA from other companies:

  • Mobile sessions for Lancôme increased significantly by 53%.
  • MakeMyTrip saw a stunning 160% increase in mobile sessions.
  • Twitter noticed 25% more sessions per page.
  • Repeat visitors to Trivago increased by an astonishing 150%.
  • A startling 250% increase in repeat visits was seen on OLX


Final Thoughts 

PWAs have completely changed how companies interact with their customers since they provide better user experiences, better performance, and cross-platform compatibility. The success tales and advantages discussed in this article demonstrate the enormous potential that PWAs poses for companies operating in a variety of industries. 

PWAs may be a game-changer for any company, whether you're a large e-commerce company trying to increase conversions, a media publisher trying to deliver content effectively, or a startup trying to establish a name for yourself online.

If you're ready to harness the power of PWAs for your business, you'll need skilled software developers that understand the intricacies and best practices of PWA implementation. That's where Devler.io comes in handy

Devler.io - is a platform specifically created for matching clients with top developers expertised in various areas including building cutting-edge PWAs tailored to your specific needs. 

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your business with a PWA. Embrace the future of app development, where the boundaries between web and native apps blur, and user satisfaction reaches new heights. 

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